意象随笔——Paul Huf摄影回顾展1936 — 1994

    开幕时间:2015年5月8日 15:00
    展览地点:武汉美术馆4/5展厅(武汉市 江岸区 中山大道 保华街2号)
    协办单位:荷兰Jan van der togt美术馆、荷兰欧艺特艺术咨询公司



    文:Jan Verschoor,荷兰 Jan van der Togt 美术馆馆长

    作为荷兰阿姆斯特芬市Jan Van der Togt美术馆的馆长,我对与武汉美术馆的合作感到高兴。在合作的框架内,我们在2014年12月接受了中国画家兼诗人李继开的作品。反过来,我们将输送享誉荷兰国内外的知名摄影师兼电影摄影师保罗•胡夫(1924-2002)的作品。我们为他的作品能在武汉美术馆展出感到骄傲。


    保罗•胡夫的名字也和几个国内国际的艺术家奖项联系在一起。这些奖项的颁奖仪式就设在Jan Van der Togt 美术馆内。我们美术馆与保罗•胡夫有着特别的关系,因为胡夫参加人像摄影和商业摄影的活动结实了我馆的创始人也是实业家Jan Van der Togt 。他的作品在我馆的中庭展示出来,它们是一些尺寸小的人像作品,但是表达的含义是不朽的,这些照片被保罗•胡夫拍摄。

    我很高兴武汉美术馆的观众将能够欣赏到保罗的作品,展览要感谢很多的支持,他们是Jan van der Tegt 美术馆的全体员工,荷兰欧艺特国际艺术咨询公司的杨小玲女士,视觉艺术的名誉教授与作家Ruud Lapré先生,他还为胡夫的本次展览撰文。最后,感谢为我们展览提供赞助的机构。



    As director of the Jan van der Togt Museum in Amstelveen in the Netherlands, I am delighted about our partnership with the Wu Han Art Museum in China. Within the framework of this partnership we received the works of Chinese painter and poet Ji Likai in December 2014. In return we are sending the works of the nationally and internationally renowned Dutch photographer and film-maker Paul Huf (1924 - 2002). We are proud that his works are now being shown in the Wu Han Art Museum.

    Our museum has exhibited the works of Paul Huf several times, in retrospective as well as thematic exhibitions. One of those exhibitions focussed on the works that Huf was commissioned by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. For this company he also made a fascinating film in which he visits the places where our nationally treasured painter Vincent van Gogh has worked. During his life, Paul Huf won several awards for the photographs as well as the films he made, including the one about Van Gogh.

    The name Paul Huf is also connected to several artistic awards in his field, both nationally and internationally. The award ceremonies took place in the Jan van der Togt Museum. Our museum had a special bond with Paul Huf. Because of Huf's activities in portrait and commercial photography he knew the founder of the museum, the industrialist Jan van der Togt. His picture can be found in the hall of our museum that runs to the two largest rooms. It is a framed portrait, small in size, but monumental in terms of expression and significance. The photograph was taken by Paul Huf.

    I am pleased that the visitors to the Wu Han Art Museum will now be able to get acquainted with the fascinating works of Paul Huf. The exhibition has been made possible thanks to the support of many. To name a few: the staff of the Jan van der Togt Museum, Selena Yang of Oooit Consultancy and international art consultant, Ruud Lapré professor emeritus and author on visual arts, who wrote an essay for this book about Huf's works and ... last but not least, the various companies who through their sponsorship enabled us to organise the exhibition.

    Geographically, the two cooperating museums are thousands of kilometres apart, but they have found common ground in terms of respect and appreciation for each other's works of art. Art is and will remain an indispensable guide for communication between cultures.
    Jan Verschoor, director of the Jan van der Togt Museum

    保罗•胡夫 (1924-2002),出生于阿姆斯特丹,荷兰最著名的摄影师之一, 荷兰艺术联合会成员,美国媒体摄影协会会员。1942年开始成为自由摄影师和荷兰皇家法院御用的摄影师。在漫长而活跃的影像生涯中,他曾拍摄过大量的荷兰名人, 同时他也因其广告摄影(为高仕啤酒拍摄的“手工艺人运动”)和时尚摄影而闻名。无论是演员,作家,裸体,景观或者是静物,他总能通过相机精确地诠释出拍摄对象的美。
